Statement of "Child story"

Child story

幼少の頃の私、とにかく自己主張の激しい子ども 自分らしさを許さない周囲の大人との、争いの日々。
学校でからかわれ、ケンカになっても 叱られるのはいつも私。。。
大人は皆、自分を真正面から見てくれない寂しさ 常に親や先生の正面に立ち 「私をちゃんと見て!」「私は悪くない!」「話を聞いて!」 言えば言うほど、問題児、異端児として扱われた。
キレイな色のリボンやアクセサリー、サンリオのキャラクター キャンディキャンディのシールやキラキラした本の付録 好きな物は、手に入れる側から父親に捨てられた。
絵を取り上げられ、もうどうやって生きていけば良いのか 途方に暮れたあの頃。。。
描くことは唯一の現実逃避であり、生きている事 自分の存在を確認出来る、唯一の行為だったから。
絵に救われ、描かなければ生きていけなかった 正に絵に生かされ、絵と共に歩んで来た人生。
なぜか、どうしても子どもを描きたくて 学童保育やお絵描き教室で、子育ての疑似体験をしながら 大人と子どもの関係性や子どもの瞳に映る リアルな現代社会の研究にのめり込み その研究成果を作品として表現してきました。
子どもを産めない性だという事や 過去のネガティブな部分をも、作品の餌にし 現代社会の縮図を絵にする事で これから進むべき道を照らしてくれる。。。
作品たちには、私の目に映る今の世の中や過去の私自身が そこかしこに垣間見えると思います。
私が描く複雑でちょっと気難しい子どもたちは 皆さんにどんな物語を語りかけるのでしょうか。。。

I was saved in paintings and I could not live without painting. Life made alive in the picture, living with the picture.

I was a young child, a child with intense self-assertion anyway Days of fighting with surrounding adults who do not allow themselves.
Even if I get caught in school and become a fight I always get scolded. . .
All adults do not look at themselves straight ahead Loneliness Always stand in front of parents and teachers "Look carefully at me!"
"I am not bad!"
"Listen to me!"
In other words, the problem child, treated as a heretic.
Beautiful color ribbons and accessories, Sanrio characters Candy Candy 's Seal and Glittery Book Appendix Favorite things were thrown away by the father from the side which gets it.
I was a little young who was compelled to endure himself. . .
"Is not it a bad thing to be yourself?"
"Am I not me?"
"Is I such a bad child?"
Listening to that, no one adult responds. . .
I was the only adolescent who could not affirm myself only by painting.
I took up the picture and how can I live anymore Around the time I was at a loss. . .
Drawing is the only escape from reality, being alive Because it was the only act that I can confirm my existence.
What I want to draw I am myself as a child. . .
Or was it yourself that did not come true? . .
No, are they life - sized children? . .
Formerly a child, are they big people? . .
I was saved in paintings and I could not live without drawing Life that was made use of right in the picture, walking with the picture.
Somehow, I really wanted to draw a child While doing a simulated experience of child rearing in school childcare nursing and drawing school Reflected on the relationship between adults and children and in the eyes of children Deep into the research of a real contemporary society I have expressed the research results as works.
Things that sex is not child - bearing We also use past negative parts as food By drawing a microcosm of modern society It will light the way to go now. . .
To the work, the world that I see in my eyes and myself in the past I think you can see a glimpse there.
The complex and slightly difficult kids I draw What kind of story do you tell everyone? . .
That is the child story I want to tell.