Statement of "colorful monster"

colorful monster

自分自身が着ぐるみを着た様な二重生活をしていた時期の コンプレックスを元にアイデアが生まれました。
更にいつもの様に、幼少期の自分自身に 作品のヒントを探してみた。。。
周囲の大人から問題児、異端児と言われ まさにモンスターとして扱われていた頃の 自分をモチーフに描き進めていると 奇異な事件事故が耳に入り込み、現代社会の様々な出来事が 頭の中を支配して、渦巻く様に自問自答を繰り返した。。。
実家が洋菓子店だった私は、カラフルな色の中で育った。 どんなに悔しくても、どれだけ哀しくても 死にたいときでさえも、常に周囲にはキラキラで カラフルな色が溢れかえっていた。 私にとってカラフルな色や、キラキラや甘い香りは ガマン、寂しさ、悔しさの象徴だった。
一方で、そんな寂しさや、切なさ、本当じゃない曖昧な自分を カモフラージュしてくれる頼もしい存在でもあった。。。
ここ数年、原色やカラフルな色を避けてきた理由は、 そんな相反する複雑な思いが、潜在意識の奥底に あったからかも知れません。
「表と裏」「有と無」「静と動」「真実と嘘」 「愛護と虐待」「希望と失望」「光と影」「女と男」 「強さと弱さ」「優しさと厳しさ」「愛と憎悪」「生と死」 戦後70年のこの国に見え隠れするコンプレックスと嫉妬との関係性。
常に価値観の更新を強いられる様な、時代の転換期と言われる今 多様性や個性が湾曲し、誰もがモンスター化しえる世の中。。。
そんな現代社会の外面と内面、本音と建前 自己否定を繰り返していたあの頃の劣等感を元に カラフルなモンスターたちに落とし込み表現しました。


During the period when I was living a double life like myself wearing a costume An idea was born based on the complex.
Furthermore, as usual, in her childhood herself I tried searching for a hint of the work. . .
It is said that a problem child, a heretic child from surrounding adults It was about when I was treated as a monster As I draw myself as a motif A strange accident happens to the ear, and various events of the modern society I dominated the inside of my head and repeatedly asked my own question like swirling. . .
I was a cake shop in my parents house, I grew up in a colorful color.
No matter how frustrating you are, how sad you are Even when I want to die, I am always glittering around Colorful colors were overflowing.
For me colorful colors, sparkling and sweet scents It was a symbol of gaman, loneliness, regret.
On the other hand, such loneliness, sadness, ambiguous self that is not true It was a reliable existence that will camouflage. . .
The reason why we have avoided primary colors and colorful colors in recent years, Such conflicting complex thoughts, in the depths of subconscious It may be because it was there.
The world is always coexistent and conflicting presence living together.
"Table and back" "Yes and none" "Static and dynamic" "Truth and lie" "Warning and abuse" "hope and disappointment" "light and shadow" "woman and man" "Strength and Weakness" "Tenderness and Severity" "Love and Hatred" "Life and Death" Relationship between complex and jealousy hidden in this country 70 years after the war.
It is said to be the transition period of the times, such as constantly forced to update the values The world where diversity and personality curves, everyone can become a monster. . .
The external and internal aspects of such modern society, Based on the inferiority feeling of those days that had repeated self-denial I expressed it in colorful monsters and expressed it.