Statement of "sweet memories"

sweet memories

「こんな仕事をしたい」「こんな大人になりたい」などの、憧れやときめき... 逆に...
自分さえよければいい、誰も見ていなければ何をやっても良い いじめられる方に原因があるという、身勝手な感覚...
学歴や年齢、性別、社会的地位...それらが人の価値を決めるという錯覚の中で 同じ命にさえ優劣を付けて安堵する偉い?大人たち...
子どもの頃は、自分が生きている場所は、親に保護され、安住の場所でありながらも 偽物の自分が作り笑いをする、一刻も早く逃げ出したい生き地獄でもあった...
今思えば...私は過去のどんなネガティブな事も 作品にすることによって、ポジティブに変換してきた
作品たちが私の代わりに、着たい服を着て、したい髪型をし 怒りや疑問を代弁し、泣いてくれたからかもしれない...
幼少期に感じた様々な記憶、そして今、実際に生きている リアルな世の中と、それらとのギャップ...
そんな幼少期の我慢や理不尽な思い、憤りや悔しさをベースに現代の大人社会の 傲慢な嘘や安っぽい建前、大きな勘違い、そして表裏を作品に落とし込んだ...
そして、色合いは今までの作品にはなかったほど ラブリーなモチーフやファンシーにキラキラ...
相反して、人物の表情には憤り・困惑・我慢・諦めなどを込め 幼少期の記憶と重ね合わせる事で過去のどの記憶も 甘い記憶として表現することを試みた...

Cute, glittering, lovely, fancy ...My memories that were forbidden for all these and were not allowed ...

We all had dreams when we were children ...
Such as "I want to do such work" "I want to be such an adult", longing and throbbing ...
vice versa...
"I do not want to be a grown-up adult"
"I do not want to become a cowardly person"
I thought that "I do not want to be only adults, just a lie and pretense ..." I thought ...
However, people forget such memories as children when they were visionary ...
In the world of mass production and mass consumption, adults who have also manualized thought ...
You ought to just put yourself in, as long as no one is watching you can do whatever you want Selfish feeling that there are causes for bullying ...
Do not bully! Current situation that adults practicing bullying in peace ...
Academic education, age, sex, social status ... in the illusion that they determine the value of people Is it great to relieve with superiority or inferiority even for the same life? adults... When I was a child, the place where I live is protected by my parents, although it is a place of assurance It is also a living hell that I want to get away as soon as possible, making fun of myself a fake ...
Now thinking ... I will not negate any negative things in the past By making it a work, I have converted to positive Instead of my work, I wear clothes I want to wear, I want to do a hairstyle Maybe because he spoke for anger and doubt and cried ...
Various memories that I felt in my childhood, and now I am actually alive A real world and the gap between them ...
Based on such patience and unreasonable thoughts of childhood, indignation and regret, based on modern adult society Arrogant lies and cheesy temples, big misunderstandings, and rolling back and forth in the works ...
And, as far as the colors did not exist in the work so far Glittering with lovely motifs and fancy ...
Conflictingly,indignation,puzzle,patience,resignation etc. are included in the expression of the person By superimposing it with the memory of childhood every memory of the past I tried to express it as a sweet memory ...
That is my sweet memories